Children’s Church
Are My Children Welcome at Church?
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…” We love children and encourage their worship. In fact, the repetition of various phrases and songs in our traditional worship is perfect for even little children who want to join in. Please, however, don’t feel embarrassed if your child is restless during the service. You are among caring people who understand. If you feel the need, you may take your child to our mothers’ room in the back of church.
Additionally, on the first and third Sunday of every month, the pastor invites the children up to the front of the church for a short sermon/lesson aimed just for them. During the children’s church, we’ll try to explain the day’s lesson in a way children will better understand. It is a reminder that God loves us at any age and it is never too early to discover His grace.
On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, the children are invited to Children’s Church. This not only gives them a chance for hands-on Bible activities and discussion, it gives parents an opportunity to more easily focus on the sermon.