Daily Schedule
Daily Activities
8:50-9:00 Arrive
9:00-9:10 Gather/Greeting
9:10-9:30 Jesus Circle
Bible Songs: “Sing to the Lord a new song!” Psalms 96, 98, & 149 all verse 1
Bible Story: “Hide God’s Word in you heart!” Psalm 119:11
9:30-10:30 Active Learning
- Children develop the capacity to express their ideas and intentions.
- Children indicate their intentions through gestures, actions and words.
- Adults: listen, converse, elaborate, encourage, anticipate
- Children Carry out intentions and play with a purpose.
- Children play in a variety of social contexts and problem solve.
- Adults: observe, learn from, converse, participate, support
- Children Grow in their capacity to recount and reflect on past events
- Children talk with others about personally meaningful experiences
- Adults: invite, acknowledge, contribute, associate, expand
Small Group Time / Music / Movement
Small-group time builds on children’s strengths, introduces children to materials and experiences they might otherwise miss, and provides adults with an intimate setting in which to observe and learn about individual children on a daily basis.
10:30-10:50 Large Group Time / Music / Movement
Large Group time provides enjoyable shared experiences. It is a time when children actively participate. It builds a sense of community and encourages group membership and leadership.
10:50-11:10 Large Motor Learning / Activities
(outdoors / gymnasium)
An opportunity for children to engage in vigorous, unconstrained, energetic play. The dynamics of large motor learning / activities allow the children to play in a more expansive way.