Lutheran Pioneers
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
Boy Pioneers and Buckaroos
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back;
lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2
This Christ centered program for boys, established in 1951, has continued to serve the Lord for almost 60 years. During that time we have been blessed with the opportunity to touch the hearts of well over 75,000 boys, parents and men and women volunteers. We praise and thank our Lord for that opportunity and pray that He will continue to guide us as we seek to help our boys “put God’s word into action” as they travel the “Godly road to Christian adulthood.”
Our Mission
Lutheran Pioneers exists to assist congregations in nurturing and training boys in the Lord so that they will remain faithful to Him and faithfully serve Him throughout their lives.
Our Goals and Objectives
To achieve our mission, Lutheran Pioneers provides materials and training that assists in conducting a ministry under the direction of the Pastor and congregation that:
- Through devotions and interaction, proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaches obedience to all He has commanded.
- Is of interest to preteen and adolescent youth.
- Teaches useful skills (both historical and modern) for living in God’s world.
- Teaches and understanding of God’s creation and our role within it.
- Cultivates Christian leadership skills.
- Encourages fellowship with Christians.
- Encourages serving our Lord by providing opportunities to serve our fellowman in our family, neighborhood, church, and community.
- Seeks to keep boys involved in the church by faithful service to our Lord through their teen and adult years.
Who Can Join
Boy Pioneers is open to all boys in grades 1 – 8. Boys do not need to attend St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church and School to join the Boy Pioneers.
Our regular meetings are held in the Boy Pioneer room in the school basement. If you have questions or would like to help, contact Steve Erickson 458-3459
Girl Pioneers and Sunbeams
“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:10
Lutheran Girl Pioneers (LGP) is a Christ-centered youth program for girls of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church and those in fellowship with the WELS.
Although camping and building fires might come to mind when you hear of Pioneers, today Pioneers is so much more. It is an opportunity for girls to discover and develop interests in many areas. Girls many choose to explore art; drama; photography; leadership; pet care; or gardening – just to name a few.
LGP strives to help each girl become a happy, confident and useful member of her church, school, home and community. It is our goal to help girls realize the joy of a Christ-centered life.
Our purpose
To guide girls to realize the joy of a Christ-centered life and how joyfully they can serve Him; their church; their family and their community. LGP provides an avenue for girls to develop leadership skills and to become service oriented, mission-minded young women.
Lutheran Girl Pioneers and Sunbeams
Regular meetings will be held from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Sewing Room.
If you have questions please contact one of our Leaders:
Autumn Cole – 715-207-7164; [email protected]